Frame Shop & Fine Art Gallery
7 Nason St. ● Maynard, MA 01754
978-897-9777 ● Info@gallerysevenmaynard.com
June 3rd - July 19th, 2014
Gallery Seven presents “Absence of Color” with works by Catriona G. Baker, Alicia
Dwyer, Arthur J. Garrone, and Joel Moskowitz. Artists working in color are taught to get
the values right, the harmony of light and dark is often the foundation that supports color
and most paintings will translate well into a monochrome or black and white image.
In this exhibition four artists come together with painting and drawings to celebrate the
power and harmony that can be achieved by working only with darks, lights, and
Arthur J. Garroneʼs charcoal drawings are dark and mysterious. “Night Barn”, with its
murky sky and ominous trees, draw the viewer in to what feels like a scene from a
Grimm Fairy Tale. In contrast, Joel Moskowitzʼs graphite pieces have one solitary object
floating on a background of white air. He is able to achieve a 3 dimensional feeling on a
2 dimensional plane, and the optical illusion that his pieces are spiraling or rotating
toward you. Alicia Dwyer paints ethereal white dresses suspended in front of a jet black void. Her
bodiless garments appear still and full of motion simultaneously and are eerily beautiful.
In Catriona G. Bakerʼs drawings the artistʼs hand is ever present. She creates dark
mass and a light airiness out of long sweeping lines and strokes of charcoal as can be
seen in her piece “Gus Jumps”. There is a depth to her work that transcends the
In all of this work it can be seen that something very meaningful is gained by the
absence of color. There is a purity in the elegant balancing of tonality and it can be
understood as reality having been stripped down to its bare essentials.
The exhibition runs from June 3rd - July 19th. Artistsʼ Reception: Saturday, June 14th
from 7-9 p.m. (GUESTS ARE ASKED TO WEAR BLACK & WHITE) For more
information about Gallery Seven and upcoming exhibitions please call 978-897-9777 or
visit us at www.gallerysevenmaynard.com.